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Tuesday, 18 August 2015

7 Day Workout Completed - Update

After finally completing the intensive workout, my body felt a little bit like it had used muscles I never knew existed. 

As difficult as it was I really enjoyed it. I feel stronger and although it is difficult to tell whether it has made much difference to the look of my body, I certainly feel better (I can feel that my butt muscles are harder!)

I have decided that I would really like to keep on top of pushing myself a little bit harder so will continue to add a days routine into my normal exercise pattern 2-3 times a week. I will continue doing my walking/running and cycling with the addition of one days intensive routine thrown in a few times during the week.

Doing the same routine all the time is not a good idea as the body gets used to it and is not challenged by it. I would suggest changing it every 6 weeks or so and giving yourself a challenge occasionally if you want to get any kind of results.

If you would like to try the 7 Day Challenge or take a look, you will find it at 


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