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Friday, 19 September 2014

Top Tips For Healthy Eating

Love your labels
Food labels can seem a bit boring, but they are the best way of checking what you're eating as they can tell you what's hidden inside the food. Once you know what how to use them, you'll soon be able to make healthier choices when you're shopping.

Be calorie smart

Counting calories doesn't have to mean you're on a diet! They are a really handy way of helping you choose balanced meals each day, and not eating more than your body needs.

Eatwell plate

The eatwell plate is a brilliant idea - it helps you eat a balanced diet by showing you how much of what type of food to eat at each meal. Simple!

Share packaged foods

Many foods and drinks are packaged for two adults sharing, so if you’re eating by yourself avoid temptation and save some for later. Don’t give a whole one to a child - let them share a bag of crisps, or save some.

Eat a little slower

It takes time for our brains to register we’re full, so try to eat more slowly. If you’re eating with friends or family try pacing yourself to the slowest eater.

Focus on your food

Eating distractedly, such as in front of the TV, means we eat more without noticing or even enjoying it. Swap the TV for the table.

Aim to feel satisfied, not stuffed

Try eating just one plate of food and don’t go back for seconds.

Super start your day

Don’t be tempted to skip breakfast, even if you’re trying to lose weight. If you have a healthy breakfast in the morning you’re less likely to want to snack before lunch.

Mix and match

If you know you’ll be having a proper dinner later, keep an eye on the calories by having a lighter lunch.

Pack it in

Plan ahead and try to take a packed lunch to work or when you are out and about. It can work out cheaper.

Spot the difference

Swap a big dinner plate for a smaller one and you’ll have a smaller portion. It will also look as if you have more food on your plate too.

Max your pocket, not your drink!

Extra large whole milk lattes or cappuccinos may seem like value for money, but they also contain more calories. Try swapping for a regular size coffee made with lower fat milk – less calories (and it’ll save you money)


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