A full-body strengthening and fat-burning workout that only involves 4 moves and no equipment other than a chair? Sign us up!
Perform 30 repetitions of exercise one, 30 seconds of exercise two, 30 repetitions of exercise three, and 30 seconds of exercise four (on each leg). Rest and repeat for 3 circuits. Attempt to complete this series 5 to 7 days per week for some seriously impressive results.
Exercise 1: CardioSeated Jacks
Sit with your legs together and arms bent to 90-degrees directly in front of your face. Jack the legs and arms open wide, then back in together. This is a low-impact version of a jumping jack that gets your heart pumping without pounding on your knees, hips, ankles, or lower back. Perform 30 repetitions.
Exercise 2: Abs and Arms
Forearm Incline Plank
Forearm Incline Plank
Interlock your fingers and press your forearms into the chair with elbows directly under your shoulders. Tighten your butt and abs and maintain a solid straight line from your shoulder to hip to heel, without raising your butt. Hold for 30 seconds.
Exercise 3: Butt and Fronts of the Thighs
Hover your hips right over the seat cushion, as if you are just about to sit down, then pop your hips forward and stand up. As soon as you stand up straight, start to sit back down again, then go back up. Maintain this back-and-forth of almost sitting down, then lifting to standing. If this becomes too strenuous, allow yourself to sit all the way down before standing. Perform 30 repetitions.
Exercise 4: Butt, Lower Back, and Backs of Thighs
Warrior III Balance
Warrior III Balance
Stand facing the chair. Reach your arms forward to touch the back. Lift one leg off the floor to match the height of your torso. Avoid rotating at your hips, which means keeping both hip bones facing toward the floor, not toward the side wall. Hold this pose to strengthen the entire posterior chain: lower back, buns, and hamstrings. Hold for 30 seconds then repeat on the other leg.
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