Inadequate physical activity can lead to serious health problems. Start now - make exercise part of your daily routine. At any age, increasing your daily activity can make a difference.
Our bodies are designed to be active and all activity / exercise will develop and firm the muscles of the body. Exercise doesn't have to be a chore. Read on to find ways you can become more active, lose that fat and have some fun…
Make a determined effort to walk throughout the day. Get off the bus or train a stop or two before your destination and walk the rest of the way; park your car in the furthest space in the car park; walk up and down stairs (no lifts); walk the children to school; walk to the local corner shop for your newspaper or milk, etc.

15 min moderate walking will burn 52 extra kcal*
15 min moderate walking will burn 52 extra kcal*
Housework Can Do the Trick!
Turn those tiresome chores into healthy positive ones! Turn on the music and clean the windows, hoover, dust, wash up, iron and burn off those calories.

15 min hoovering / dusting will burn 38 extra kcal*
15 min hoovering / dusting will burn 38 extra kcal*
Get Out In the Garden
Mowing the lawn, weeding and digging all count.

15 min weeding will burn 52 extra kcal*
15 min weeding will burn 52 extra kcal*
Clean Your Car
Time you ran your car through the wash? Why not wash it by hand? It's cheaper, better for the environment and a great form of exercise. Put your back into it and you'll get a better result!
15 min moderate car washing will burn 43 extra kcal*
15 min moderate car washing will burn 43 extra kcal*
Play Actively With the Kids / Get Some Friends Together
How about heading for the park for some football, rounders, catch the ball... or dusting off the bike for a leisurely ride? Exercise at a pace where you can still talk.
15 min recreational cycling will burn 45 extra kcal*
15 min recreational cycling will burn 45 extra kcal*
Try A Sport
Dip into our try a sport section for more information on a variety of exercise - walking,cycling, swimming, skipping, yoga ... and more.
The important thing is to become active so that your heart is pumping blood at a slightly increased rate and you are burning calories in empowering your muscles! Go for it...
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