Disturbing news from the USA – for once not involving Britney – where a study of 3,000 people published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology shows that carrying ‘pot belly' results in a much higher risk of heart problems – even when your body weight is in the normal range.
To stop the pot ruining your life take these three tips, once a day, and come back to us next month:
Watch your post-workout dosage
"Don't use the fact you've been to the gym as an excuse to eat more," explains Ben Jones, personal trainer with lifetimehf.co.uk. "You may feel you've worked hard but a typical hour-long CV workout will burn less than 600 calories." To get the fat off it has to be your diet – along with exercise – that changes.
Take it where you can
Use stairs instead of escalators, get off the bus one stop earlier and leave the car at home for short trips. University of Virginia, USA, studies show you can lose weight four times quicker by adding light bursts of exercise – up to 30 minutes in total – into your daily schedule.
Quit casual snacking
"Losing, maintaining or gaining weight can mean just a very small difference in energy intake on a daily basis," says Jones. So think twice before grabbing a snack that isn't a piece of fat-free, low-calorie fruit.
Source: menshealth.co.uk/lose-weight/burn-fat/ditch-the-pot-belly-92852
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